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Origin in Death
J.D. Robb
Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You
Jay Rubin
Maid-sama! Vol. 08  - Hiro Fujiwara In this installment, we get Hinata's history and his ideal of Misaki. Again, the tension between Usui and Hinata arises as Hinata is not giving up. However, entering the picture is Misaki's sister, Suzuna. She is one of my favorite character's in the whole series. She is an odd character who still has her childish innocence yet she's not naive. I love how she calls Hinata on his infatuations with Misaki. And it also becomes glaringly evident whom Hinata is better suited with.

The rest of the volume fizzles out. Or I guess it's setting the next stage. Again, the remainder of the volume is filled with bonus manga and also an outlandish chapter. There is also news of the manga becoming an anime.

I'm still debating on whether to give it a 2 or 3 star rating. I have to admit that I hate the pacing of Misaki and Usui's character development or even the secondary characters. You get progress and it gets halted abruptly with a totally out of left field chapter that really is superfluous. While I do enjoy them, their placement is actually on the aggravating side. It's as if the mangaka is stalling to figure out what to do next in their story. Unfortunately, this also marks the end of the English translations as TokyoPop who owned the license shut its doors at this point.