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Origin in Death
J.D. Robb
Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You
Jay Rubin
The Juicing Bible - Pat Crocker This book is organized in the beginning by the malady you wish to help alleviate. It is indexed by alphabetical order with a list of recipes, tips, the nutrients suggested to help your body naturally combat your ailment. The next section has a comprehensive listing of the foods to be used. It gives a brief description, which part of the food to be used and its healing properties as well as suggestions on how to use it and how to handle these food. The last part of the is a listing of recipes that extend beyond just juices. It also includes other herbal remedies such as teas.

I was very impressed with the wealth of information and the way it was laid out. It wasn't cumbersome and very easy to read; it is definitely a nice reference book. I would highly recommend this book.